Local Instincts

Nuances Start at Eye Level

Case Study 1: Out Of Home Ads

Our Client Approached us to target local customers in the neighborhood when Google and Facebook got too expensive. Result? Between Food Trucks and In Car Metro Ads, we can reach over 10M People a month with innovative solutions that cost less than a Digital CPM.

Case Study 2 : Brand Resonance

BMG saw client’s need in strengthening brand awareness across different digital aspect. We have provided research of target market and managed full digital activities including search advertising optimization and social blogs articles write up with publication on locally recognized websites. We also updated and created new phrase for this client on Wikipedia to keep brand message up to date.

Digital Futures are created through Science, Art and Innovation and Great People. We are a People First Organization: Great People lead to Great Service. Clients pick BMG because we are able to offer Exemplary Service, which leads to greater Customer Satisfaction and Stronger Relationships with our clients.