Keyword Rank is Flawed: Enhance Conversion Value


Have you ever noticed that your keyword rank improved from position 5 to 3, but you didn't see any improvement in your bottom line? The reason is that it's not just about being on the first page; it's about driving business value. Achieving a higher rank on a search engine doesn't necessarily translate into business value. While achieving high rankings and maximizing clicks are important metrics, true business value lies in maximizing a target metric which are typically conversions and ultimately, conversion value.

To achieve this, we've shifted our focus towards a more holistic approach, incorporating Search Experience Optimization (SXO) combined with Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO). This includes not only optimizing keywords and improving page speed but also analyzing the entire sales funnel, implementing offsite signals such as press releases, and continuously refining our strategies based on data-driven insight.

It's not merely about ticking off SEO checkboxes or hitting certain metrics; it's about deploying tactics in a holistic manner to achieve overarching business objectives. If you're looking to just tick off Checkboxes, feel free to look in your spam box and I'm sure a lot of vendors can do that. Another way is to go to SEM Rush, download the audit and just go through the motions. If that were the case, well, it can be pretty formulaic. However, from our experience, driving value is bespoke - yea, it requires humans with thought and ideas! The fact is Rank doesn't mean much, it doesn't matter how awesome your meta tag is or how many blogs your write, or your title text or your [fill in the blank from seo tool] and it certainly doesn't matter how great your site speed is. Look at Amazon's site and then look at its Lightspeed Audit, its terrible. So why is Amazon #1 on a lot of product pages.

The answer is about a holistic and bespoke approach: At BMG, we embrace this - starting with .. well, understanding WHY we're doing this in the first place and the business value we're driving not just a Keyword Rank. This allows us to weave together a few of our various strategies, listed below, to actually drive impact.

  • Conducting keyword research with a focus on conversion intent.

  • Implementing conversion-driven link building strategies.

  • Tailoring content and messaging to our audience through strategic tagging.

  • Ensuring alignment of content with user expectations.

  • Conducting rigorous A/B testing to optimize page performance.

  • Diversifying calls to action (CTAs) to encourage user interaction.

  • Prioritizing above-the-fold content for maximum impact.

  • Optimizing content specifically for conversion purposes.

  • Streamlining page elements to minimize distractions.

  • Improving page load speed for enhanced user experience.

  • Applying insights gleaned from successful content to inform future strategies.

  • Enhancing headlines and subheadings to capture audience attention.

We center our efforts on substance and significance rather that superficial metrics as success is gauged by the actual impact and outcomes, not just by repeating menial tasks. An example of this is that, in addition to targeting high-volume keywords, we prioritize those with high conversion intent and identify keywords that signal purchase intent, such as specific product names, review queries, or comparison terms. Furthermore, by focusing on content above the fold, we attract users actively seeking and increase the probability of conversions.

Content matters, and conversion-focused content that guides users through the buyer's journey actually.. works. This involves optimizing landing pages, product descriptions, and calls-to-action (CTAs) with copy and clear value propositions. Additionally, integrating trust signals, such as customer testimonials, case studies, and trust badges, serves to instill confidence. While technical SEO optimizations still work, prioritizing user experience, trust-building, and seamless interactions delivers unparalleled results in conversion value.

Contact Real Humans at BMG today to learn more about how we drive measurable business value with the levers of Content and SEO


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